In January 2019 SLP d.o.o. engineers started Pile Dynamic Load Testing on »The Peljesac bridge« project in Croatia.
The bridge will be one of the largest bridges in Europe (approx.. 2400 m long, approx. 22 m wide and up to approx. 90 m above the sea level) and will connect the Croatian mainland with the Peljesac Peninsula, completing the Adriatic coastal Motorway from Split to Dubrovnik.
It will be founded deeply on driven steel piles of diameter 2.0 m, length from 55 m to 130 m. The piles are driven in one piece and are probably the longest one piece driven steel piles in the world.
SLP d.o.o. will perform Pile Dynamic Load Testing on all piles, Lateral Static Load Testing and Pile Integrity Testing (Echo and Cross-Hole method).

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